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[Haufe et al., 2008] [pdf][url]
Stefan Haufe, Vadim Nikulin, Andreas Ziehe, Klaus-Robert Müller, and Guido Nolte. Combining sparsity and rotational invariance in EEG/MEG source reconstruction. NeuroImage, 42(2):726-738. 2008.
[Nolte et al., 2008] [ link ]
Guido Nolte, Andreas Ziehe, Vadim Nikulin, Alois Schlögl, Nicole Krämer, Tom Brismar, Klaus-Robert Müller. Robustly estimating the flow direction of information in complex physical systems. Phys. Rev. Letters 100, 234101-4, 2008.
[Nolte et al., 2006] [ link ]
Guido Nolte, Frank C. Meinecke, Andreas Ziehe and Klaus-Robert Müller. Identifying interactions in mixed and noisy complex systems. Physical Review E, 73, #051913, 2006.
[Meinecke et al., 2005] [ link ]
Frank C. Meinecke, Andreas Ziehe, Jürgen Kurths and Klaus-Robert Müller. Measuring Phase Synchronization of Superimposed Signals; Physical Review Letters 94(8):084102, March 2005.
[Ziehe et al., 2004] [abs] [pdf] [ps.gz] [ps]
A. Ziehe, P. Laskov, G. Nolte and K.-R. Müller. A Fast Algorithm for Joint Diagonalization with Non-orthogonal Transformations and its Application to Blind Source Separation. Journal of Machine Learning Research; 5(Jul):801--818, 2004.
[Ziehe et al., 2003] [abs] [pdf][ps.gz][ps]
A. Ziehe, M. Kawanabe, S. Harmeling, and K.-R. Müller. Blind separation of post-nonlinear mixtures using linearizing transformations and temporal decorrelation. Journal of Machine Learning Research; 4(Dec):1319-1338, 2003.
[Ziehe et al., 2000a]
A. Ziehe, K.-R. Müller, G. Nolte, B.-M. Mackert, and G. Curio. Artifact reduction in magnetoneurography based on time-delayed second-order correlations. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng., 47(1):75-87, January 2000.
[Müller et al., 2004] [CiteSeer cached ]
Klaus-Robert Müller, Ricardo Vigario, Frank Meinecke, and Andreas Ziehe. Blind source separation techniques for decomposing event-related brain signals. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol 14, No. 2 (2004) 773-791.
[Harmeling et al., 2003] [Abstract]
S. Harmeling, A. Ziehe, M. Kawanabe, and K.-R. Müller. Kernel-based nonlinear blind source separation. Neural Computation, 15:1089:1124, 2003.
[Wübbeler et al., 2000]
G. Wübbeler, A. Ziehe, B.-M. Mackert, K.-R. Müller, L. Trahms, and G. Curio. Independent component analysis of non-invasively recorded cortical magnetic DC-fields in humans. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 47(5):594-599, 2000.
[Nolte et al., 2001]
G. Nolte, A. Ziehe, and K. R. Müller. Noise robust estimates of correlation dimension and K2 entropy. Phys. rev. E, 64(1):016112, June 2001. PACS: 02.50.-r, 05.45.Tp, 05.45.Ac.
[Meinecke et al., 2002b]
F. Meinecke, A. Ziehe, M. Kawanabe, and K.-R. Müller. A resampling approach to estimate the stability of one- or multidimensional independent components. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2002.
[Murata et al., 2001]
Noboru Murata, Shiro Ikeda, and Andreas Ziehe. An approach to blind source separation based on temporal structure of speech signals. Neurocomputing, 41(1-4):1-24, August 2001.
[Murata et al., 2002]
N. Murata, M. Kawanabe, A. Ziehe, K.-R. Müller, and S. i. Amari. On-line learning in changing environments with applications in supervised and unsupervised learning. Neural Networks, 15(4-6):743-760, 2002.

Conferences & Technical Reports

[Nolte et al., 2006] [ps.gz][pdf][bibtex]
Guido Nolte, Andreas Ziehe, Frank Meinecke and Klaus-Robert Mueller. Analyzing Coupled Brain Sources: Distinguishing True from Spurious Interaction, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 18), pages 1027-1034,2006.
[Yeredor et al., 2004] [full text link (Publishers web-site)]
A. Yeredor, A. Ziehe, and K.-R. Müller. Approximate joint diagonalization using a natural-gradient approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 3195):p.89-96, Proceedings ICA 2004, Granada, 2004.
[Ziehe et al., 2003] [Abs] [PDF] [PS]
A. Ziehe, P. Laskov, K.-R. Mueller, and G. Nolte. A linear least-squares algorithm for joint diagonalization. Proc. of ICA2003, pages 469-474, Nara, Japan, 2003.
[Harmeling et al., 2002a]
S. Harmeling, A. Ziehe, M. Kawanabe, and K.-R. Müller. Kernel-based nonlinear blind source separation. Technical Report 1/2002, BLISS project, 2002.
[Harmeling et al., 2002b]
S. Harmeling, A. Ziehe, M. Kawanabe, and K.-R. Müller. Kernel feature spaces and nonlinear blind source separation. In T.G. Dietterich, S. Becker, and Z. Ghahramani, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 14. MIT Press, 2002.
[Harmeling et al., 2001] [ pdf ]
S. Harmeling, A. Ziehe, M. Kawanabe, B. Blankertz, and K.-R. Müller. Nonlinear blind source separation using kernel feature spaces. In T.-W. Lee, editor, Proc. Int. Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA2001), pages 102-107, 2001.
[Hies et al., 1998]
Th. Hies, A. Ziehe, U. Eysholdt, and K.-R. Müller. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) von mehrkanaligen EEG-Daten mittels temporaler Dekorrelation. In L. Voigtmann and P. Geyer, editors, Medizinische Physik '98. Deutsche Gesellschaft für medizinische Physik, 1998. ISBN 3-925218-63-7.
[Lee et al., 1998]
Te-Won Lee, Andreas Ziehe, Reinhold Orglmeister, and Terrence Sejnowski. Combining time-delayed decorrelation and ica: Towards solving the cocktail party problem. In Proc. ICASSP98, volume 2, pages 1249-1252, Seattle, May 1998.
[Meinecke et al., 2002a] [pdf] [djvu]
F. Meinecke, A. Ziehe, M. Kawanabe, and K.-R. Müller. Estimating the reliability of ICA projections. In S. Becker T.G. Dietterich and Z. Ghahramani, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14, Cambridge MA, 2002. MIT Press.
[Müller et al., 2000a]
K.-R. Müller, J. Kohlmorgen, A. Ziehe, and B. Blankertz. Decomposition algorithms for analysing brain signals. In S. Haykin and J. Principe, editors, IEEE Symposium 2000 on adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communications and Control, pages 105-110. IEEE Publishing, Piscataway, NJ, 2000.
[Müller et al., 2000b]
K.-R. Müller, J. Kohlmorgen, A. Ziehe, and B. Blankertz. Decomposition algorithms for analyzing brain signals. In S. Haykin and J. Principe, editors, IEEE Symposium 2000 on adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communications and Control, pages 105-110, Piscataway, NJ, 2000. IEEE Publishing.
[Müller et al., 1999] [CiteSeer cached]
K.-R. Müller, P. Philips, and A. Ziehe. JADETD: Combining higher-order statistics and temporal information for blind source separation (with noise). In J.F. Cardoso, Ch. Jutten, and Ph. Loubaton, editors, ICA '99, pages 87-92, Aussois, January 1999.
[Müller et al., 1998]
K.-R. Müller, N. Murata, A. Ziehe, and S.-I. Amari. On-line learning in Switching and Drifting environments with application to blind source separation, pages 93-110. On-line learning in neural networks. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
[Murata et al., 1998]
N. Murata, S. Ikeda, and A. Ziehe. An approach to blind source separation based on temporal structure of speech signals. Technical report, RIKEN BSI, 1998. cf. Neurocomputing 08/2001.
[Murata et al., 1997]
Noboru Murata, Klaus-Robert Müller, Andreas Ziehe, and Shun ichi Amari. Adaptive on-line learning in changing environments. In Michael C. Mozer, Michael I. Jordan, and Thomas Petsche, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 9, pages 599-605. The MIT Press, 1997.
[Parra et al., 2000] [pdf]
L. Parra, C. Spence, P. Sajda, A. Ziehe, and K.-R. Müller. Unmixing hyperspectral data. In S. A. Solla, T. K. Leen, and K-R. Müller, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 12, pages 942-948. MIT Press, 2000.
[Vigário et al., 2002]
R. Vigário, A. Ziehe, K.-R. Müller, J. Särelä, E. Oja, V. Jousmäki, G. Wübbeler, L. Trahms, B.-M. Mackert, and G. Curio. Blind decomposition of multimodal and DC evoked responses. In F.T. Sommer and A. Wichert, editors, Advances in Exploratory analysis and data modeling in functional neuroimaging. MIT Press, Cambridge MA., December 2002. ISBN 0-262-19481-3.
[Weiss et al.]
O. Weiss, A. Ziehe, and H. Herzel. Optimizing property codes in protein data reveals structural characteristics. in Proc. of RECOMB 2003.
[Ziehe et al., 2001a] [ pdf]
A. Ziehe, M. Kawanabe, S. Harmeling, and K.-R. Müller. Separation of post-nonlinear mixtures using ACE and temporal decorrelation. In T.-W. Lee, editor, Int. Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA2001), pages 433-438, 2001.
[Ziehe et al., 2001b] [ pdf ]
A. Ziehe, G. Nolte, T. Sander, K.-R. Müller, and G. Curio. A comparison of ICA-based artifact reduction methods for MEG. In Jukka Nenonen, editor, Recent Advances in Biomagnetism, Proc. of the 12th International conference on Biomagnetism, pages 895-898, Espoo,Finland, 2001. Helsinki University of Technology.
[Ziehe et al., 2000b] [abstract] [ps] [ps.gz] [pdf]
A. Ziehe, G. Nolte, G. Curio, and K.-R. Müller. OFI: Optimal filtering algorithms for source separation. In P. Pajunen and J. Karhunen, editors, ICA 2000 , pages 127-132, Helsinki, June 2000.
[Ziehe et al., 1999]
A. Ziehe, K.-R. Müller, G. Nolte, B.-M. Mackert, and G. Curio. Artifact removal in magneto-neurographic recordings with ICA using temporal information. In T. Yoshimoto, M. Kotani, S. Kuriki, H. Karibe, and N. Nakasato, editors, Recent Advances in Biomanetism, Proc. of the 11th international conference on Biomagnetism, pages 318-321, Sendai, 1999. Tohoku University press.
[Ziehe et al., 1998]
Andreas Ziehe, Klaus-Robert Müller, Guido Nolte, Bruno-Marcel Mackert, and Gabriel Curio. Artifact reduction in magnetoneurography based on time-delayed second order correlations. Technical Report rep-first-1998-31, GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology, FIRST, 1998.
[Ziehe, 1998]
Andreas Ziehe. Statistische Verfahren zur Signalquellentrennung. Master's thesis, Humboldt University of Berlin, 1998. in German.
[Ziehe and Müller, 1998] [CiteSeer cached]
A. Ziehe and K.-R. Müller. TDSEP -- an efficient algorithm for blind separation using time structure. In L. Niklasson, M. Bodén, and T. Ziemke, editors, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN'98, Perspectives in Neural Computing, pages 675 -- 680, Berlin, 1998. Springer Verlag.
last updated: Aug 25th 2008

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