Kevin Styp-Rekowski | Research assistant @ TU Berlin
I am a research associate and PhD student at the HEIBRiDS (Helmholtz Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science) program and working in the interdisciplinary "Multi-satellite Approach of Monitoring Atomsphere/Magnetosphere Space Weather Interactions" project.
Thus, I am associated with the TU Berlin in the distributed systems group of Odej Kao and with the GFZ Potsdam in the geomagnetism section of Claudia Stolle.
We investigate the use of non-dedicated satellites to improve the data availabilty for geomagnetic observations of the earth's magnetic field in space.
By making more data accessible, the enlargened coverage of the earth's surface can deepen the knowledge about the earth's interior.
For the publication of our datasets, also visit our dedicated publication website.
Organizations worked for: Servermeile, KSB
GitHub: Github-Link
ResearchGate: ResearchGate-Link
Mail: styp-rekowski at
© Kevin Styp-Rekowski | Last Update: 04 Jul 2022