COSMOS: Multitouch support for collaboration in user-centered projects
Daniel Löffelholz, Torben Pergande, Hauke Wittern, Olaf Zukunft
Softwaretechnik und Anwendung moderner Eingabetechnologien at INFORMATIK 2011 - Informatik schafft Communities
Berlin 2011
Berlin 2011
Abstract: First multi-touch tables like the Microsoft Surface are commercially available. Their use allows to enhance the user experience in a large number of collaborative domains. In this paper, we examine how early phases in software development like requirements engineering can be supported by this new technology. We present a novel approach for supporting collaborative work between systems designers and stakeholders in a software development environment. Based on an adapted model of interaction we present COSMOS (COllaborative Surface for MOdeling Software), a framework for easy creation of tools that support collaboration between system designers and customers. We used COSMOS to implement a UML-diagram editor and are currently implementing a business process editor on the Microsoft Surface platform. First experiences with the framework and the editor show that they can strongly support the collaboration between system designers and stakeholders.