Editorial: Workshop on the Role of Platforms for Enterprise Ecosystems (3EP)
Daniel Beimborn, Alexander Mädche, Benjamin Müller
Die Rolle von Plattformen für Unternehmensökosysteme at INFORMATIK 2011 - Informatik schafft Communities
Berlin 2011
Berlin 2011
Abstract: The workshop on Emerging Enterprise Ecosystem Platforms (3EP) provides a forum for the scientific discourse dealing with the role of platforms in business networks. It aims at taking a both diverse and balanced look at the impact and effects of platforms on enterprise ecosystems. During the workshop we want to discuss technological, economic, and organizational issues and want to encourage an exchange concerning design and usage of platforms in enterprise ecosystems among software developers, platform providers, and users.
This editorial gives a short introduction to the workshop topic by providing basic definitions, giving an overview of current research activities, introducing appropriate theoretical lenses, and highlighting promising directions for future research on the role of platforms for organizational ecosystems.