Next: Implementation
Up: Layout of Graphs
Previous: Layout of Graphs
The evolutionary layout algorithm of graph transformation sequences
is based on the well-known
spring embedder layout algorithm which fulfills two importent
requirements for layouting a graph sequence:
the highest single layout quality and
the lowest difference between two successive layouts.
But this layout algorithm does not fit well for incomplete graph sequences,
since we following two new requirements are not fulfilled:
- the option for future extensions of graph sequences without ruining the layout,
- by taking also typing of graph edges into account.
So we extended the spring embedder layout algorithm by
two new concepts:
- A concept of node aging and protection of senior node
positions in the layout that allows
the user to keep track of changes during transformation steps.
The persistence of node positions throughout a sequence
is most helpful to preserve the mental map.
Especially the concept of
aging was the reason to name the algorithm an evolutionary layout
- A concept of layout patterns based on edge typing.
All in all, this new layout algorithm tries to solve the following problems
for an evolving graph transformation sequence:
- The quality of every single layout
should be as optimal as possible.
- The mental distance from one layout to its successor
layout should be small.
- The graph sequence may have
future extensions, without loosing the layout`s quality.
- The changes between two graphs should be easily recognizable in the
layout of two subsequent graphs.
Next: Implementation
Up: Layout of Graphs
Previous: Layout of Graphs
Olga Runge