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Consistency of Graph Grammars

AGG provides the possibility to formulate consistency conditions which can be tested on single graphs, but which can also be shown for a whole graph transformation system.
Herewith we have in AGG a consistency control mechanism which is able to check certain consistency conditions for a given graph.
Generally, consistency conditions (CC) describe basic (global) properties of graphs as e.g. the existence of certain elements, independent of a particular rule. But we also provide a transformation of global consistency conditions into post application conditions for individual rules. A so-constructed rule is applicable to a consistent graph if and only if the derived graph is consistent, too. A graph grammar is consistent, if the start graph satisfies consistency conditions and the rules preserve this property.
If a consistency condition holds for a graph transformations system, all derived graphs satisfy this condition.

Consistency of conditional graph grammars is described in:

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Olga Runge 2006-08-16