AGG provides a graph parser which is able to check, if a given graph belongs to a certain
graph language determined by a graph grammar. In formal language theory,
this problem is known as the membership problem. Here, the membership problem is lifted to graphs. This problem is undecidable
for graph grammars in general, but for restricted classes of graph grammars
it is more or less efficiently solvable.
Usually, a graph grammar is given to generate all graphs of
a graph language. For parsing, all rules of the graph grammar have to be
inverted. Applying the inverted rules in a right way, all graphs of the corresponding graph language can be reduced to the start graph of the grammar.
In AGG not all kinds of rules can be automatically inverted.
That's why the graph parser expects already a so-called parse
grammar containing reducing parsing rules and a stop graph. Given an
arbitrary host graph, AGG tries to apply the parsing rules in a way that
the host graph is reduced to the stop graph. If this is possible, the host
graph belongs to the determined graph language and there is a derivation
sequence from the host graph to the stop graph,
otherwise the host graph does not belong to the graph language.
AGG offers three different variants of a parsing algorithm
being based
on backtracking. The parser builds up a derivation tree of possible
reductions of the host graph. The leaves of this tree are
either dead ends, i.e. leave graphs where no rule
can be applied anymore but non-isomorphic to the stop
graph or the stop graph. In this case, the parsing was successful. Since simple backt racking has exponential time complexity, the
simple backtracking parser is accompanied by two further parser variants
exploiting critical pair analysis for rules.
Critical pair analysis can be used to make parsing of graphs
more efficient: decisions between conflicting rule applications are
delayed as far as possible. This means that non-conflicting rules
are applied first to
reduce the graph as much as possible. Afterwards, the conflicting rules are
applied, first in non-critical situations and when this is not possible, in
critical ones. In general, this optimization reduces the derivation tree
constructed, but does not change the worst case complexity.
The parsing process might not terminate, therefore layering conditions
have to be defined to guarantee termination of the parsing process.
Parsing of non-layered or layered
graph grammars can optionally be based on critical pair analysis.
The graphical user interface of the graph parser allows to consider the
parsing process step-by-step. The parser menu and options are described below.
The parser menu is available from the menu bar and contains the following items:
The options for the parser are available in menu Preferences / Options.... They are shown in Figure 62 and described below.
Before the parsing process can start, we have to set the needed data in
the Starting Parser dialog shown in Figure 63.
This dialog is invoked by item Open of menu Parser.
The items and buttons of the starting dialog are exlpained bellow:
Figure 64 shows the Parser GUI for example ''Statecharts''.
Using menu item Parser / Start start the
parsing process.
Graph parsing in the context of visual language parsing is described in:
More about the facilities of the parser and the critical pair analysis in AGGis described in the diploma thesis of Thorsten Schultzke (in German): ''Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Parsers für visuelle Sprachen basierend auf kritischer Paaranalyse'' (