The following helper rules are creating Bound-Nodes to ensure the application conditions of the rules. This application conditions are not yet supported by AGG, so that they are handled via Bound-Nodes. If a Class node is connected to an association end with multiplicity 1..1 the corresponding Node node gets an Edge to a helper Bound node which has attributes for the bound-kind (bound or not bound) and the corresponding association name. The Bound-Node ensures that the Node cannot be connected to more than one other Nodes along an Edge of the corresponding association. Therefore each rule of layer 1 creating one of the concerned Nodes in the RHS gets an additional Bound-Node (that is realized by the rules createBoundSrc, createBoundSrc_abstract, createBoundTgt, and createBoundTgt_abstract, see Fig.31 and FIg.32).
New Nodes can be created in layer 2. A Node n1 bound to an association an can be created in two different rule kinds:
1) The rule creates a new Node n1 and a new Edge an (corresponding to association an). Then the Bound-Node is already created by one of the rules insertLink_1..01, insertLink_1..01CreateSrc_concrete, insertLink_1..01CreateSrc_abstract, insertLink_01..1, insertLink_01..1CreateTgt_concrete, insertLink_01..1CreateTgt_abstract, insertLink_1..1, insertLink_1..1CreateSrc_concrete, insertLink_1..1CreateSrc_abstract, insertLink_1..1otherDirection, insertLink_1..01CreateTgt_concrete, or insertLink_1..01CreateTgt_abstract.
2) The rule creates a new Node n1 and a new Edge an2 != an. Then Node n1 is not connected to a Bound-Node although it has to. Rule createBoundSrcAtOtherLink (auch as rules createBoundSrcAtOtherLink_abstract, createBoundTgtAtOtherLink, and createBoundTgtAtOtherLink_abstract) creates a new Bound-Node and connects Node n1 to it (note, that attribute bound is set to false in that case).

Helper rule createBoundSrc

This rule creates for a Node named n of the right hand side of a rule that creates this Node (ensured by the attribute condition), a helper Node named Bound, if the Class corresponding to Node named n is connected to an AssEnd node with multiplicity 1..1. Now the created Node gets an additional Edge to a Bound-Node those Attribute bound is set to false (creating only the Node does not bound it).

Fig. 31: Transformation rule createBoundSrc

Helper rule createBoundSrc_abstract

This rule creates for a Node named n of the right hand side of a rule that creates this Node (ensured by the attribute condition), a helper Node named Bound, if the parent of the Class corresponding to Node named n is connected to an AssEnd node with multiplicity 1..1. Now the created Node gets an additional Edge to a Bound-Node those Attribute bound is set to false (creating only the Node does not bound it).

Fig. 32: Transformation rule createBoundSrc_abstract

Helper rule createBoundSrcAtOtherLink

The Rule named r creates a new Node n those corresponding class is the 1..1 association end of association an, and a new Edge named x from Node n to another Node y. The attribute conditions ensure that x!=an or y!=n2. Then Node n is not connected to a Bound-Node although it has to. Rule createBoundSrcAtOtherLink creates a new Bound-Node and connects Node n to it (note, that attribute bound is set to false in that case).

Fig. 33: Transformation rule createBoundSrcAtOtherLink

Helper rule createBoundSrcAtOtherLink_abstract

The Rule named r creates a new Node n those corresponding super-class is the 1..1 association end of association an, and a new Edge named x from Node n to another Node y. The attribute conditions ensure that x!=an or y!=n2. Then Node n is not connected to a Bound-Node although it has to. Rule createBoundSrcAtOtherLink creates a new Bound-Node and connects Node n to it (note, that attribute bound is set to false in that case).

Fig. 34: Transformation rule createBoundSrcAtOtherLink_abstract

The helper rules createBoundTgt, createBoundTgt_abstract, createBoundTgtAtOtherLink, and createBoundTgtAtOtherLink_abstract are quite similar to the ones described above and therefore not explicit shown and described here.