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AGG Parsing a simple Class Diagram

Let us consider a simple class diagram "ClassHost" as an example for parsing based on critical pair analysis, as shown in Figure 1.
The "C"-nodes represent classes and "A"-nodes  stand for associations. 

Figure 1. A simple class diagram 

Graph "ClassHost" is stored in grammar  "classHost.ggx" .  The class diagram is drawn free-handed and we will test if this diagram is correct or not, respectively, if this diagram belongs to graph  language  for class diagrams or not.

At first, we create  a parsing grammar "Class" in  AGG.
The grammar contains only three parsing rules (Fig.2 - Fig.4) and a graph (Fig.5), the so-called  "stop graph".

Figure 2. Parsing rule: DelClass

Figure 3. Parsing rule: DelAss

Figure 4. Parsing rule: DelAss1

Figure 5. The "stop graph" of the parsing grammar 

The "stop graph" is a goal for the parsing process.
If our class diagram "Class Host" is correct, these rules reduce it to the "stop graph" in Figure 5. If it is not correct, the parsing process will generate a graph non-isomorphic to the "stop graph",to which no more rule can be applied.
The grammar "Class" is stored in file "class.ggx".

After critical pair analysis by AGG ( menu item Parser / Critical Pair / Generate ) we have got all critical pairs of the parsing rules which we can consider in  the graphical user interface for critical pairs.
Figure 6 presents the output for the  rule pair [DelClass, DelAss]. We can see the left-hand sides of both rules and all critical overlapping graphs of their left-hand sides. For one graph also the match is shown (by numbers). 

Figure 6.  Sample critical pairs

The generated critical pairs are stored in file "class.cpx".

Now we want to start the parsing process of our class diagram ( menu item Parser / Open ). 
The user dialog in Figure 7 is used to initialize the parser.

Figure 7. User dialog of parser

Figure 8 shows the parser GUI.

Figure 8. Parser GUI

Using menu item Parser / Start we can start parsing of our class diagram.
During the parsing process the class diagram  is reduced. An intermediate result is shown in Figure 9. 

Figure 9. Reduced class diagram in the parser GUI

The final result in Figure 10 shows a graph that is isomorphic to the "stop graph"
The parser result is true,  i.e. our class diagram is correct.

Figure 10. Result of parsing

Graph parsing in the context of visual language parsing is described in:

Application of Graph Transformation to Visual Languages by R. Bardohl, M. Minas,  A. Schürr and G. Taentzer
Efficient Parsing of  Visual Languages based on Critical Pair Analysis and contextual Layered Graph Transformation by P. Bottoni, A. Schürr and G. Taentzer

More about the facilities of the  parser and the critical pair analysis in AGG can be read in the diploma thesis of Thorsten Schultzke (in German):
"Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Parsers für visuelle Sprachen basierend auf kritischer Paaranalyse" Revision:   September   6, 2001