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   Specifying Basic Refactorings
   Detecting Structural Evolution Conflicts
   Using Critical Pair Analysis


Refactorings are program transformations that improve the software structure while preserving the external behaviour. In spite of this very useful property, refactorings can still give rise to structural conflicts when parallel evolutions to the same software are made by different developers. We explores this problem of structural evolution conflicts in a formal way by using graph transformation and critical pair analysis. Based on experiments carried out in the graph transformation tool AGG, we show how this formalism can be exploited to detect and resolve structural evolution conflicts.

Here, you see two typical conflict situations when refactoring.

The first scenario shows a conflict between pull ups of two different variables with the same name but in different classes.

The second conflict occurs when a framework is refactored while it is already in usage. A method of a framework class which has been refined in a customers leaf class is renamed by the framework developer.

In the following, we show the graph transformation rules specifying the basic refactorings within  graph transformation system "Refactorings".  Thereafter, an overview of  the critical pairs are shown. They are discussed in "Detecting Structural Evolution Conflicts Using Critical Pair Analysis" by Tom Mens and Gabriele Taentzer, a submission for "Software Evolution through Transformations" a satellite workshop of the 2. ICGT in Rome, Italy, 2004.


The whole experiment is based on the following type graph.

Scenario 1:  Parallel Refactorings

Rule Create Superclass

Rule: Encapsulate Variable

Rule: Move Method

Rule: Move Variable

Rule: Pull Up Method

Rule: Pull Up Variable

Rule: Rename Class

Rule: Rename Method

Rule: Rename Variable

Scenario 2: Framework Refactorings

Rule: Add Class In Leaf

Rule: AddMethodIn LeafClass

Rule: AddVariableInLeafClass

Rule: RefineMethodInLeafClass

The results of applying the critical pairs analysis algorithm to these refactorings are shown in table 1 below.  It shows the number of conflicts which remain after reducing the set of critical pairs.

Table 1: Reduced set of critical pairs for refactorings.