Here I try to accumulate any links that are of potential interest to a reader of this site. Both resources I find useful/interesting as well as personal links and connections to different sites are put here.


  • The Rest is History: An awesome podcasts on all things history, spanning the earliest days of antique greece all the way to events of the last century. A great storytelling quality as well!

  • Stuff you should know: Well, it features stuff that you should know. Constant stream of fun facts and smalltalk knowledge availible here.

  • This podcast will kill you: Everything live-threatining can be found here, topics from epidemics over rare diseases to medical mysteries are discussed.

  • The Daily: Quick dose of international news

Online magazines

  • Lesswrong: Sometimes a source of interesting essays.

  • Martin Fowlers Blog: On all things technical and software. Some of the content has been written a while ago but it’s a great place to start when looking for debug techniques and best-practices on a whole range of problems.

  • Medium (duh…): I accidentally got subscribed to the “Daily Digest” some time ago, but never bothered to quit as there were some interesting articles here and there. I still refuse to accept that the “we just spam them with mail everyday until they join” method actually worked, so I have to use every VPN at my disposable to read as many articles as possible without getting membership.

  • Works in Progress: Interesting essays on the intersection of technology and society, with a slight leaning towards AI and a healthy dose of comments on policy.

Recommendable resources

These are the titles of, mostly, pdf’s that I found interesting, useful or fun to read and that I would recommend if there is a problem to solve.

  • How to write a nature abstract: If you have to write a summary for something like a lab report, this is the guide for you! Just follow the strucutre 1:1, you will end up with a great sounding introduction.

  • This mejadra recipe: If you are looking for a simple and cheap recipe, that you can eat literally everyday, precook in absolutly huge quantities and that never disappoints!

  • This password safe for securing all you passwords, locally or in your own cloud. Build your own lastpass basically.

  • Zotero for managing references to great articles, papers, books and everything else that either has atitle or a link to find it.