Thesis Supervision

I am supervising Bachelor and Master thesis & projects. You can also visit our chair, SecT, from abroad to conduct an internship or write your thesis in Berlin. Should you be interested, make sure to check out our website or contact me directly: vincent [you know what to put here]

Find some example thesis topics I am currently interested in below. The scope of all topics is variable; they can be tailored to the scope of a project as well. My interest are not restricted to the topics below, however -- if in doubt, reach out!

Reverse Engineering & Attacking Confidential Computing

We will reverse engineer the micro-architectural implementation of security measures implemented for the sake of confidential computing and trusted execution environments. Once we are equipped with knowledge about the implementation details, we will implement & execute attacks on state-of-the art trusted execution environments.

Breaking Post-Quantum Cryptography with Side-Channel & Fault Injection Attacks

We will attack implementations of incumbent post-quantum cryptography schemes with power side-channel and fault injection attacks. In a first, more theoretical, step, will map the attack surfaces of a targeted scheme against power side-channel and fault injection attacks. After we have developed the theoritical underpinning, we will then move to actual carry out the attacks. Co-supervised with Soundes Marzougui.

Security Analysis Of Open-Source Microprocessor Implementations

We will develop tooling & frameworks to develop the resilience of open-source (RISCV) microprocessors. The focus will be on evaluating the resilience of open-source micro-processor implementations against physical attacks and CPU bugs.