Technische Universität Berlin Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
41. Jahrestagung, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Berlin
Informatik 2011 > Programm > Workshops > Artikel

The Trouble with Real Numbers (Invited Paper)

Walid Taha, Robert Cartwright

Abstract: Comprehensive analytical modeling and simulation of cyber-physical systems is an integral part of the process that brings to life novel designs and products. But the effort needed to go from analytical models to running simulation code can impede or derail this process. Our thesis is that this process is amenable to automation, and that automating it will accelerate the pace of innovation. This paper collects some basic concepts from several that we found interesting or thought provoking, and articulates some questions that may help prove or disprove this thesis. While drawn from ideas drawn different disciplines outside programming languages, all of these observations and questions pertain to how we need to reason and compute with real numbers.