A Software System for Autonomous Rescue Robots
Zaheer Aziz, Dirk Fischer, Tobias Kotthäuser, Bärbel Mertsching
Software Language Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems at INFORMATIK 2011 - Informatik schafft Communities
Berlin 2011
Berlin 2011
Abstract: To build a rescue robot system a complex combination of hardware and software is needed. In this paper we analyze the requirements of such a system and propose a generic formulation that can be used to design software frameworks for this field. We present the rescue robot system GETbot organized and configured according to the design proposed. Finally, another important aspect is the testing of the whole system in order to validate the efficiency and robustness of individual modules as well as their interconnection. Hereof, we introduce SIMORE, our simulation framework for sensors, actuators and robots in 3D environments.