Robotics Course WS 13/14 U Stuttgart
See my general teaching page for previous versions of this lecture.
Robotics is an ultimate test of our progress in Artificial
Intelligence, Machine Learning and Control Theory research. However,
while these research fields consider general but idealized problem
formulations, robotics has to deal with the specifics our concrete
3-dimensional physical world and eventually integrate methods and
hardware in autonomous systems. Therefore robotics is more than an
application of the above fields and requires specific knowledge of how
to generate montion, physically interact with the environment and
perceive it.
The lecture will give an introduction to robotics in four chapters:
- Scope
- Kinematics & Dynamics
goal: orchestrate joint movements for
desired movement in task spaces
(Kinematic map, Jacobian, optimality principle of inverse kinematics,
singularities, configuration/operational/null space, multiple
simultaneous tasks, special task variables, trajectory interpolation,
motion profiles; 1D point mass, damping \& oscillation, PID, general
dynamic systems, Newton-Euler, joint space control, reference
trajectory following, optimal operational space control)
- Planning and optimization
goal: planning around obstacles, optimizing trajectories
(Path finding vs.\ trajectory optimization, local vs.\ global,
Dijkstra, Probabilistic Roadmaps, Rapidly Exploring Random Trees,
differential constraints, metrics; trajectory optimization, general
cost function, task variables, transition costs, gradient methods, 2nd
order methods, Dynamic Programming)
- Control Theory
theory on designing optimal controllers
(Topics in control theory, optimal control, HJB equation, infinite
horizon case, Linear-Quadratic optimal control, Riccati equations
(differential, algebraic, discrete-time), controllability, stability,
eigenvalue analysis, Lyapunov function)
- Mobile robots
goal: localize and map yourself; walk
(State estimation, Bayes filter, odometry, particle filter, Kalman
filter, Bayes smoothing, SLAM, joint Bayes filter, EKF SLAM, particle
SLAM, graph-based SLAM)
As a prerequisite, student should have basic
knowledge of linear algebra, probability theory and
- This is the central website of the lecture. Link to slides, exercise sheets, announcements, etc will all be posted here.
- See the 01-introduction
slides for further information.
Schedule, slides & exercises
online lectures:
- VideoLecture by Oussama Khatib:
(focus on kinematics, dynamics, control)
- Oliver Brock's lecture
- Stefan Schaal's lecture Introduction to Robotics:
(focus on control, useful: Basic Linear Control Theory (analytic
solution to simple dynamic model $\to$ PID), chapter on dynamics)
- Chris Atkeson's `Kinematics, Dynamic Systems, and Control'
(uses Schaal's slides and LaValle's book, useful: slides on 3d kinematics
CMU lecture `introduction to robotics'
(useful: PID control, simple BUGs algorithms for motion planning,
non-holonomic constraints)
Latombe's `motion planning' lecture:
(useful: sampling based path finding; non-holonomic (control-based) planners)
- Robert Stengel's lectures on `Optimal Control and Estimation'
- Drew Bagnell's lecture on `Adaptive Control and Reinforcement Learning'
Freiburg's `mobile robotics' lecture:
also the `robotics 2' lecture:
(useful: Bayesian filter, SLAM)
state-of-the-art (major conferences):
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