Visual OCL

TU-Berlin | Faculty IV | Institute ISTI | Research group TFS

Tools for Visual OCL

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Offering two versions

System Requirements

For group 3:
Eclipse 3.1 with these plug-ins:
  1. GEF 3.1,
  2. EMF 2.1

For group 1 & 2:
Eclipse 3.0.1 with these plug-ins:

  1. GEF 3.0.1,
  2. EMF 2.0.0 and
  3. Omondo (only for development)


The editors provided for Visual OCL were implemented in a project from Students of the Technical University. You can decide between the implementations of three groups. The editors are restricted in functionality, but allow the main constructs of Visual OCL. The two first projects were developed mainly in 2004, wheras the third group worked on their project in 2005. The editor of the first group has a slightly different graphical representation of Visual OCL models mainly for reasons of readability of the edited diagrams. Good conformity with the formal language definition is characteristic for the editor of the second group, but with less language features. Using graph transformation for the conversion to an OCL string states the new aspect of the 2005 project.

Installation instructions for a VOCL-Editor project

Import the Editor as a project in Eclipse:
  1. Use the required plug-ins:
    Window->Preferences->Plug-In Development->Target Platform: Select "Not in Workspac

  2. Extract the zip-file

  3. Import each extracted folder by selecting it at:
    File->Import->existing Project into Workspace

Eclipse project packages:

group 1 (01.02.2005)
group 2
group 3 (01.08.2005)

Installation instructions for the VOCL-Editor plug-in

Import the Editor as a plug-in in Eclipse:
  1. Use the required plug-ins:
    Window->Preferences->Plug-In Development->Target Platform: Select "Not in Workspac

  2. Extract the zip-file

  3. Move the extracted folders in the plug-in-directory of your Eclipse installation under eclipse/plugins

Eclipse plug-ins:

group 1 (01.02.2005)
group 2 (07.02.2005)

©2005 TFS