Visual OCL

TU-Berlin | Faculty IV | Institute ISTI | Research group TFS

User Guide for the Eclipse VOCL-Plugin
group 2

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1.1 System Requirements and Installation

This section presents the system requirements for installing the VOCL-Plugin and the installation instructions that are very simple because of the Eclispe's architecture.

1.1.1 System Requirements

For the use of the VOCL-Plugin, it is necessary to fulfill the following requirements:
  1. Eclipse Platform 3.0.1 or higher
  2. GEF (Graphical Editor Framework) 3.0.1
  3. EMF (Editor Modeling Framework) 2.0.0
  4. Java Version 1.4 or 5.0
You have to unzip the GEF and EMF files and then put the features and plugins folders into your Eclipse home directory. Now everything is prepared for the installation of the VOCL-Plugin.

1.1.2. Installation

You can download the VOCL-Plugin from here. There you have to choose "" and after that unzip this file. Then you get a folder plugins containing three plugins:
  • VOCLEditor - containing all editor functionalty
  • VOCLModel - the metamodel needed by the editor
  • VOCLConverter - the converter which translates VOCL diagrams into the corresponding OCL expression
Then you have to put these folders into your Eclipse's plugins directory and restart the Eclipse workbench, if it is already running.

In the next section the creation of a *.vocl file and the starting of the editor will be explained.
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