Jonas Traub
The webpages of the Technische Universität Berlin consists of numerous offers from various institutions, e.g. faculties, institutes, chairs, central facilities, administrative facilities, etc. and personal pages of the employees. The institutions, and the persons who have created the webpages are editorially responsible, and responsible for the content. Please contact the responsible authors of a relevant page if you have questions.
Adress of Technische Universität Berlin
Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (0)30 314-0
Editorial and Content Responsibility
Jonas Traub
Helgenwald 29
35463 Fernwald
Legal notices on copyright
The webpage layout, the graphics used, and all other content are protected by copyright.
Data Privacy
Thank you for your interest in the websites of Jonas Traub, Database Systems and Information Management Group (DIMA) at Technische Universität Berlin (TUB). The protection of the personal data of visitors of my personal websites is very important for us. Therefore we want to inform you about data security.
The following Privacy Policy refers to the website which falls under the responsibility of Jonas Traub. The website is concerned with the dissemination of information about my person, research projects, publications and teaching at Database Systems and Information Management group (DIMA) at TU Berlin. It is not concerned with commercial transactions or with the exchange of data for marketing purposes.
Subject of Data Privacy
Data privacy covers personal data. According to art. 4 par. 1 of DSGVO this are data referring to an identified or identifiable individual, hence all data which could be used to identify you. This applies for data such as name, private address, e-mail address, telephone number but also to usage data such as your IP address.
Of course the DIMA group observes the legal requirements of data privacy and other applicable regulations. We are committed to ensure that you can trust us concerning your personal data. Therefore transfers of sensitive data are encrypted. In addition our websites are protected against damage and unauthorized access by technical measures.
Data Collection and Storage
For the usage of our website the registration of your personal data is not necessary in general.
Collection and Storage of Usage Data
For the optimization of our websites we collect and store data, such as visited website, date and time of access, the website which you are coming from and so on for a period of two weeks. After that they will be deleted automatically.
Right of Access to Personal Data
You can retrieve information about your stored personal data without giving reasons at any time free of charge. Please contact the address provided below. We will be pleased to assist you if you have any further questions about our data privacy information. Please note that data privacy regulations and handling of data privacy can change from time to time making it necessary to inform oneself about changes of data privacy laws and company policies. This data privacy statement only applies for content of TU Berlin and DIMA webservers which provide this data privacy statement and does not cover linked websites of external webservers.
We invite you to contact us if you have questions about this policy at:
Technische Universität Berlin
Database Systems and Information Management Group
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Faculty IV)
Einsteinufer 17
10587 Berlin