POEM – Effective Methods in Polynomial Optimization

Detailed Documentation of the Functions

The following documentation files were generated by pydoc.
The first entries are the main files, that are meant to be accessed.

The following packages only contain auxiliary functions.

Example Code

	from polynomial import *
	#create instance from matrix and vector/list
	A = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1],[0, 2, 4, 2],[0, 4, 2, 2]])
	b = [1, 1, 1, -3]
	p1 = Polynomial(A,b)
	#create instance from string, string can e.g. be taken from symbolic expression in Matlab or sympy
	import sympy
	x = sympy.IndexedBase('x')
	p2 = Polynomial(str(8*x[0]**6 + 6*x[1]**6 + 4*x[2]**6+2*x[3]**6 -3*x[0]**3*x[1]**2 + 8*x[0]**2*x[1]*x[2]*x[3] - 9*x[1]*x[3]**4 + 2*x[0]**2*x[1]*x[3] - 3*x[1]*x[3]**2 + 1))
	#in strings you can use round brackets, squares brackets or no brackets at all
	p2 = Polynomial('8*x(0)**6 + 6*x(1)**6 + 4*x(2)**6+2*x(3)**6 -3*x(0)**3*x(1)**2 +  8*x(0)**2*x(1)*x(2)*x(3) - 9*x(1)*x(3)**4 + 2*x(0)**2*x(1)*x(3) - 3*x(1)*x(3)**2 + 1')
	#create new random instance: shape, variables, degree, terms
	p3 = Polynomial('standard_simplex',30, 60, 100, seed = 0)
	p4 = Polynomial('simplex',3, 8, 28, seed = 4)
	#general shape has additional input: minimum number of interior points
	p5 = Polynomial('general',4,8,8,3,seed = 0)
	#run chosen method
	#run all methods and display time and optimum
	#should only take a few seconds on a modern machine, some more with Matlab installed 
	p5.local_min(method = 'all')

Last Update: May 5, 2022